For a complete list of publications, click here.
Burke, J.A., K.L. Lewis, P.B. DeLaune, C.J. Cobos, and J.W. Keeling. 2022. Soil Water Dynamics and Cotton Production Following Cover Crop Use in a Semi-Arid Ecoregion. Agronomy. 12.1306.
Lewis, K.L., G. Morgan, W.H. Frame, D. Fromme, D.M. Dodds, K.L. Edmisten, B. Roberston, R. Boman, T. Cutts, D.P. Delaney, J.A. Burke, and R.L. Nichols. 2021. Cotton yield response to soil applied potassium across the U.S. Cotton Belt. Agronomy Journal. 113:3600-3614.
Burke, J.A., K.L. Lewis, G.L. Ritchie, P.B. DeLaune, J.W. Keeling, V. Acosta-Martinez, J.M. Moore, and T. McLendon. 2021. Net positive soil water content following cover crops with no tillage in irrigated semi-arid cotton production. Soil and Tillage Research. 208:104869.
Hakeem, A., M. Parajulee, M. Ismail, T. Hussain, and K.L. Lewis. 2021. Influence of Cover Crops on Ground-Dwelling Arthropod Population Abundance and Diversity in Texas Cotton. Southwestern Entomologist. 46.2:305-316.
Kusi, N.Y.O., K.L. Lewis, G.D. Morgan, G.L. Ritchie, S.K. Deb, R.D. Stevens, and H.Y. Sintim. 2021. Cotton cultivar response to potassium fertilizer appliation in Texas’ southern high plains. Agronomy Journal. 113.9:5436-5453.
Liu, X., J.E. Woodward, B. Kelly, K.L. Lewis, S.B. Byrd, and Y. Chen. 2021. Effects of production practices on temporal disease progress of Verticillium wilt of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in the Texas High Plains, USA. Crop Production. 140:105429.
McDonald, M.D., K.L. Lewis, P.B. DeLaune, T. W. Boutton, J.D. Reed, and T.J. Gentry. 2021. Nitrous Oxide Consumption Potential in a Semi-Arid Agricultural System: Effects of Conservation Soil Management and Nitrogen Timing on nosZ Mediated N20 Consumption. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 505.
Pabuayon, I.R.B., D. Mitchell-McCallister, K.L. Lewis, and G.L. Ritchie. 2021. Yield and Economic Response of Modern Cotton Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilizer. Agronomy. 11.11:2149.
Pabuayon, I.R.B., K.L. Lewis, and G.L. Ritchie. 2020. Dry matter and nutrient partitioning changes for the past 30 years of cotton production. Agronomy Journal. 112.5:4373-4385.
McDonald, M.D. K.L. Lewis, and G.L. Ritchie. 2020. Short term cotton lint yield improvement with cover crop and no tillage implementation. Agronomy. 10.7:994.
Carvalho, H.D.R., J.L. Heilman, K.J. McInnes, W.L. Rooney, and K.L. Lewis. 2020. Epicuticular wax and its effect on canopy temperature and water use of Sorghum. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 284:107893.
Mitchell-McCallister, D., R.B. Williams, J. Bordovsky, J., Mustian, G.L. Ritchie, and K.L. Lewis. 2020. Maximizing profits via irrigation timing for capacity-constrained cotton production. Agricultural Water Management. 229:105932.