Lewis joins Institute for Advancing Health through Agriculture as Associate Member
Dr. Katie Lewis was recently selected as an Associate Member of the Institute for Advancing Health through Agriculture (IHA). Lewis’ proposal “Enhancing human health on the Texas High Plains with sustainable and resilient cropping systems that mitigate wind erosion and control dust” was selected for three years of funding and will achieve the following objectives:
“To enhance human health through agriculture on the Texas High Plains, we will partner with regional commodity boards and the National Resource Conservation Service to (1) identify the physical, chemical, and biological mechanisms of wind erosion that adversely impact human health; (2) develop and demonstrate sustainable agronomic management practices to mitigate wind erosion of soil on-farm, and (3) communicate these successful management strategies to stakeholders including the general public, agricultural producers, commodity boards, health care providers, and civic leaders. Additional collaborators will include Drs. Terry Gentry (TAMU) and Bridget Barker (Northern Arizona University).”
The Texas A&M AgriLife Institute for Advancing Health Through Agriculture, IHA, is the world’s first academic institute to bring together precision nutrition, responsive agriculture, and social and behavioral research to reduce diet-related chronic disease and lower health care costs in a way that supports producers and the environment. Composed of three focus areas, the IHA will bring together experts across many disciplines, including agriculture; nutrition; behavioral, social and life sciences; engineering; data and computation science; and economics.
Joseph Burke- joseph.burke@ag.tamu.edu